
I’m here working on my website today… I’m avoiding social media, because it keeps reminding me that David Bowie has passed, and it’s too upsetting. We lost him far too soon. So I’m focusing on working on my website and trying to get this revamp finished.

And since I haven’t posted much recently, I have a backlog of photos to share.

We finished cleaning up the guest/prop room! It looks like a proper room now!

The best part is – all of my costumes have also been organized and put away. Including the Dragoncon bins that were still lurking in our master bathroom.

I finally got some fabric swatches, made fabric decisions and made some headway on Bespin Leia:

I got the cloak fabric ordered. I got my embroidery pattern drawn out (I had drawn it out back in 2006, but I redid it simply because I didn’t feel like trying to find a file from 10 years ago among my old external hard drives.) I’m hoping to get started with my embroidery within the next week… gotta pick out embroidery floss first I guess šŸ˜›

I finally went through some of sewing stuff my grandma gave me when she moved out of her house back in May. There was some very useful stuff… some great old packaging… and some silly old sewing books. The SewSmart one looks like a great reference manual, but both of them have some good old 70s gems!

Chase sent me flowers Friday šŸ™‚

Saturday night I holed up in my sewing room for about an hour and threw together a Luke poncho for Kevin. He is wearing farmboy Luke to the Jackson con in a couple of weeks. I thought it would be a nice addition to his costume.. and also hide the fact I’ve never really made all of the belt accessories for him. I’d like to add the hat and goggles too if we have the time.

The main fabric for this I found while we were cleaning the garage last weekend. I didn’t even cut it. It’s a TINY bit short but for being essentially free? It’ll do. The trim is all leftover Peggy wool cut in strips. I should have done it as a full trim that continued onto the other side, but I didn’t want to use up that much of my leftover wool. So it’s only on one side. But again – hey, I didn’t have to buy anything.

Finally, yesterday, I went over and helped with a surprise redo of my cousin’s room. I was in charge of a castle painting for her wall. Here it is with the contact paper castle still in place:

And with it removed:

I actually liked it better with the contact paper still on, but the contact paper didn’t stick very well and it had to be removed (that was the original plan anyway.)

Ok, back to redoing this website…